The Marketing Tactic You Should Be Using (But Aren’t)

There are several content marketing strategies you can use with existing clients, such as sending newsletters, guides, or webinar invitations.

However, I discuss one tactic that beats them all in this episode.

Listen below.

0:28 Most firm owners see marketing primarily as a means to generate additional revenue. Yet, marketing should actually help retain existing revenue as well.

1:15 In my opinion, the tactic that surpasses newsletters, guides, and webinar invitations is sending client success stories to your entire client base.

1:34 Future Firm Accelerate members often reply to our success story emails with comments like, “Wow, that’s amazing. Please keep these stories coming.”

1:47 To execute this tactic, the first step is to identify and gather success stories from your clients.

2:56 The next step involves crafting a detailed case study based on the identified success stories.

3:23 If writing the case study feels daunting, you can outsource this task easily. Simply record the call from the previous step and share it with a copywriter.

3:59 Lastly, send the written case study to your client for approval before sharing it publicly to ensure they are comfortable with the content.

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The Marketing Tactic You Should Be Using (But Aren’t)

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