Want to start seeing leads flowing through your blog? If so, then check out the Future Firm® Accounting Podcast episode below on blogging for accountants and my 6 keys to success.
In a new podcast format, I answer questions from readers of my newsletter, specifically addressing online marketing techniques for accounting firms.
My new podcast format will be no longer than 10 minutes and will focus on providing actionable advice on how to modernize your firm and keep it on the cutting edge.
This episode specifically focuses on a specific online marketing strategy: how to win business through your blog.
I grew my last firm and my new venture almost entirely thanks to blogging.
So if you want my blogging for accountants 6 keys to success, listen below!
Blogging for Accountants: 6 Keys to Success
0:00 – I discuss the new format of the podcast.
2:00 – I received questions from Ugo Soum of Yoogs, Scott Armstrong of Armstrong Financial and Sherief Farid of Glassqbe, all curious about digital marketing for accounting firms. They wanted to know what works & what doesn’t. So I decided to focus this episode on my favorite online marketing technique to gain new customers: blogging for accountants.
2:40 – I share why I like blogging for lead acquisition.
4:00 – I talk about the basic idea behind acquiring leads through your blog.
4:50 – First key to success: List challenges that your ideal clients are facing to develop some keywords.
5:30 – Use a keyword planner tool (Ubersuggest is free) to gauge keyword difficulty and volume.
7:25 – Search Google’s first page for your keyword to determine what your content might have to look like.
8:53 – Install the Yoast plugin for your WordPress website.
9:37 – The most important key to success: produce quality content.
10:38 – Include a CTA at the end of your blog post.
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I was introduced to you on a Practice Ignition webinar last month. I am now subscribed to your newsletter as well.
I am a new firm and find these resources invaluable.
Thank You
Happy to have you onboard Phil 🙂